March 5th, Australia Day 14

Monday, March 28, 2005

March 5th, Australia Day 14

These are the many photos I took on my great excursion into Sydney's City Center.

This is a photo of Sydney's Town Hall, center, and the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), left. Posted by Hello

This is the entrance to the QVB. As you can see, it is an old building built in the classic Victorian style. It is a very modern mall on the inside. Posted by Hello

This is the top of Sydney's tallest building, the AMP Tower, as seen from the QVB. Posted by Hello

This is a statue of Queen Victoria, appropriately located in front of the QVB. Posted by Hello

This is a fountain near the QVB which was fairly recently dedicated by Queen Elizabeth II. Posted by Hello

This is the front facade of Sydney's Town Hall. Posted by Hello

This is the monorail which runs in downtown Sydney in a ring. Unlike Springfield's monorail though, it runs well and is not solar powered as far as I could see. Posted by Hello

This is the AMP Tower from the street below. Posted by Hello

Similar in fashion to Sparks St. back home, this is a pedestrian mall in the heart of Sydney's city center. Posted by Hello

This is a fountain in what I can only assume is a memorial complex to the most famous of Australian military units, the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). The memorial mall seems to extend down the center of the photograph all the way to the building in the distance. Posted by Hello

This is the mall in which ANZAC troops met before their deployment. The memorial to that unit is in the center-left of the photograph. Posted by Hello

This is the memorial to the ANZAC troops who have served and died in all wars in which the unit has participated. Posted by Hello

This is a memorial to the members of Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) who have died in action and is in a kind of out of the way place. This unit has served in many theaters from both World Wars, to Vietnam, to Iraq and many other places. Posted by Hello

This is a statue of some dogs and their master near the entrance to the Royal Botanical Gardens beside to Sydney's downtown core. Posted by Hello

This, and the next photo, is the Sydney Skyline from the Royal Botanical Gardens. The gardens are the eye of the hurricane, the spot of calm in a turbulent sea. Posted by Hello

See with previous photo. Posted by Hello

This is a pavilion in the Royal Botanical Gardens. Posted by Hello

This is the section of the Royal Botanical Gardens which houses tropical flora and fauna. Posted by Hello

I thought this was pretty cool. As you can see, it's a greenhouse in the shape of a pyramid. Posted by Hello

These are the large spider webs I spoke of sahred by many spiders. I'm not sure if you can resolve them. Posted by Hello

More spider webs, if you can see them. Posted by Hello

This is the Main Lawn of the Royal Botanical Gardens. Posted by Hello

This is an island in the artificial lake inside the Royal Botanical Gardens. It has some interesting foliage as you can see and several birds were about the area. Posted by Hello

In the Royal Botanical Gardens there is this copy of a column which still stands in Greece and has been there since ancient times. Posted by Hello

These are the native cockatoos who make such screeching. This is where I took the video of the cockatoo's call which is so annoying. Posted by Hello